InBeyond ConsciousnessbyAKA: John FrenchNear-Death Experiences: Glimpses Beyond the VeilExplanations, case studies, psychic abilitiesJan 14Jan 14
InBeyond ConsciousnessbyAKA: John FrenchThe Sacred Stone That Lost Its Worth: Ancient Wisdom for Modern TimesValue is ill-defined and fluid. What is valuable today may be worthless tomorrow.Jan 6Jan 6
InBeyond ConsciousnessbyAKA: John FrenchSynchronicities and Shamanic Signs: Reading the Language of RealityInterpreting reality is a human experience and everyone has the ability to attune to itJan 14Jan 14
InBeyond ConsciousnessbyAKA: John FrenchDavid Lynch: The Ultimate Artist-ManifestorA model for all who want to see their dreamsJan 221Jan 221
InBeyond ConsciousnessbyAKA: John FrenchA Shortcut to Collaborating With The Universe And Understanding Your KarmaThis is the fastest way to be aligned, heart, body, soul, divineJan 27Jan 27
InBeyond ConsciousnessbyAKA: John FrenchThe Eternal Push: Self-Control as a BoulderAnd yet we have to believe Sisyphus was happyJan 10Jan 10
InBeyond ConsciousnessbyAKA: John FrenchIs spirituality for losers?“I’m not a hippie!” Yeah but you probably should beJan 6Jan 6
AKA: John FrenchPsychometry and Psychic Archaeology: Reading the Hidden Stories in ObjectsWhat would the world look like if you could touch things and understand their history?Dec 10, 2024Dec 10, 2024
InMystic MindsbyAKA: John FrenchThe Concept of Starseeds Might Be Limiting Your EvolutionI challenge you, starseeds, to truly fold into your human incarnationNov 19, 20243Nov 19, 20243
InMissing Dimension ClubbyAKA: John FrenchThe Enigmatic World of Remote Viewing: A Deep Dive into History, Science, and Espionage“The more intention you place on hiding something, the more it shines like a beacon in psychic space.” — Pat Price, Remote viewer for US…Nov 15, 2024Nov 15, 2024
AKA: John FrenchGuide: Remote Viewing for Fun and Intuition Building — Yes, You Can Do This!Our simplified guide from the master, Ingo Swann.Nov 12, 20241Nov 12, 20241
InBeyond ConsciousnessbyAKA: John FrenchGuide: Tuning into the Past — A Step-by-Step Approach to Psychic Tuning with ObjectsWhat if you could perceive objects not just with physical sense, but with feelings, time, or history?Nov 12, 2024Nov 12, 2024
Jules EvansThe dark historical roots of ‘starseeds’The roots of the idea of ‘starseeds’ and UFO encounters have deep historical links to fascism, white supremacy and anti-semitismApr 29, 202224Apr 29, 202224
InMissing Dimension ClubbyAKA: John FrenchThe Soul Detective: Ian Stevenson and His Quest to Prove ReincarnationReincarnation, at least as I conceive it, does not nullify what we know about evolution and genetics.Nov 3, 2024Nov 3, 2024
InBeyond ConsciousnessbyAKA: John FrenchPast Lives Unveiled: A Dive into the Mystical World of Past Life Regressions — AMA HighlightsOne person felt they had been a dolphin, and another described a past life as an eagle.Nov 2, 2024Nov 2, 2024
AKA: John FrenchHow EMDR Helped Me Heal: The Science of Releasing Trauma and Finding Inner FreedomEMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) for releasing deep traumatic wounds that will transform youOct 31, 2024Oct 31, 2024
InMissing Dimension ClubbyAKA: John FrenchThe Art of Seeing Auras: A Guide to the Colors, Layers, and Mysteries of the Human Energy Field“Everyone is now aware that physics and mysticism have indeed joined hands.” — Carolyn Myss, Anatomy of the SpiritOct 26, 2024Oct 26, 2024
InTwin Flame ResearchbyAKA: John FrenchHow to Use Manifestation to Create Lasting Change with Your Twin Flame“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” — Paulo Coelho, The AlchemistOct 26, 2024Oct 26, 2024
InMissing Dimension ClubbyAKA: John FrenchFuture Life Progression Therapy: Unlocking the Future You Haven’t Lived YetImagine having the ability not only to revisit your past lives but to leap forward into lives you have yet to live.Oct 23, 2024Oct 23, 2024
AKA: John FrenchEarthships: The Controversy, Conspiracy, and Legacy of Garbage WarriorGenius or experiment?Sep 12, 2024Sep 12, 2024