I’ve decided to seduce you
The only way is Indirectly, A one sided affair
Yet I fear you will know;
thought by titillating blip;
detailing a rosier reality
I’ve hidden in personal crypt
It’s tucked between greetings
sleek Private daydreams
That will never be said but your body will feel
Do your red hands know
I want to kiss the curving crease
Drag a smooth finger
Along the faint life map I read
Does your pink pillowed mouth
Welcome flesh flower petals whilst
Words are unmade
And a paired tongue finds new myths?
Do your loping hips
have soft covered ridges fit
for swirled spit
Teasing breath
and little baby hair licked?
Do your taut tendons dip
Between pillary thighs
Just where you split?
Are they perfect valleys
to grow a pointed raw tender tip?
Will you fill my star fogged face
pushed into soaking a pillow of flowers silk?
From dreams I’m stealing
Make my desires turn
To white milky rivers of emotional reeling?
I’m going to seduce you
Like a ghost without a body to borrow
Like a woman who has not known time
I’m going to seduce me with imaginings of you
Under the sea
Fully in folly
Making place to decorate a delicious hollow
Making an altar you won’t occupy