Useless chemical mystic
Ditz Bitch stand sits
sweaty, flustered, fidgets whi’st
salty drops chemical glist
a halo above a half fixed frown
Smudges wreath thine eyes cast down
Ditz Bitch stands sits, Ditz Bitch stand sits
stand sits licks, a
swollen tongue that pushes out
A cryptic whispered hiss
yet another day swallowed another day done
From pale throat adorned
Useless cheap charms borrowed and worn
pedants of saints and glory missed
Not once do fragments of repentance
escape from wavering rosy cracked lips
Nor rhythm nor low chant nor any favorite deity
pass through mumbled manners
replacement babble of thoughts too fast
for hands or books and writings scratch
Ditz Bitch stands sits, Ditz Bitch stands sits,
stands sits clips
the chewed bed on each stringy finger
cream teeth gnash to rip
some weak armor of dead cells
Her only weapons cut up from
wands to lips, steady gnash bite rip
ten scabs of lacquer to interrupt
the white fade face, painted at slow pace
jarring glance colored too abrupt
Ditz Bitch misses silence. Ditz Bitch hisses her hums
unwell prayers over rotten cotton gums
Quiet is rare in the resonance of her own
particular paranoid gray matters
to match careful dress perched above stained shoes
oh Illegitimate mystic, oh silly struggling limp Bitch
No days of grooming will forever mask
the observations of acquaintances in pass
Comments littered with unwanted rights
to her thin crusted histories
Stitched into every crumbling weave
of her days spent
nowhere and between
searching over the faintly outlined sheaths of old personas
with Professionals and Men of high Esteem
and another day swallowed another day done
Ditz Bitch stands sits coached pulled and pleaded with
to fix this leaky hiss into a prayer for her own sanity
but she does not move, she falls further stillness transfixed
hovering within great rings of irrational bliss
Stand sit whistle move and twist
in Anger and Ecstasy
screaming harmoniously
for an Aria of Unsound Mind.
Her solo is a debut of shame.
Her vocal part cast with no hope of fame
the voyeurs see only decorated rind
Ditz Bitch stand sits, stand sits claps at her own
unsane performance dropping into oblivion
right there in plain sight
parting time with her orbit of destruction
Parting time pairing time with other failed attempts
to recognize madness from intuition
love from infatuation
and creation from destruction
Ditz Bitch lilting narcissistic wit
to any audience anywhere
with insanity’s soft grip
stripping back words and tones
stripping bare skin and hair
stripping Ditzy Bitchy bones
To flake into fine dust
To flake into unowned memories
To make new pictures upon to wish
To make her self self sick
Stands sits clips claps licks pricks
her mental menial scars and picks
out her own bone soul
for all the world in cold deduction denounce and to behold
To be read aloud, faster and faster.
Don’t do drugs ya’ll