PinnedPublished inBeyond ConsciousnessA Shortcut to Collaborating With The Universe And Understanding Your KarmaThis is the fastest way to be aligned, heart, body, soul, divineJan 27Jan 27
Imagine being so pig-headed that instead of building better products and listening to your…Power was never meant to be concentrated this way. I feel like this is the United States karma for overthrowing sovereign nations…2d ago2d ago
What It’s Like to Die and Come Back from the DeadRead accounts from 5 people who died and back and examine the patterns of near death experiences.3d ago3d ago
Should we exclude Billionaires from lists of great humans?If they wanted to feel cool so they needed money, we can make sure that they don’t anyway.6d ago6d ago
Hopi Prophecies: A Journey Through Time and Spirit“We are the ones we have been waiting for”Feb 24Feb 24
How to Immigrate to Estonia and Set Up a Business as an AmericanA no frills guide to setting up a business in Estonia and getting EU citizenshipFeb 24Feb 24